Mission Statement
Our Mission is:
To support the most disadvantaged people in Ukraine and Belarus, without any political affiliation, to provide support that is fair, unbiased and without discrimination. We believe that everyone is entitled to a minimum standard of living and healthcare, but the people we care for lack the means to achieve these standards. Helping those who may otherwise slip through the larger net of the Corporate Charities and Aid Providers – help, where others sometimes are not able to deliver. We will always prioritise the needs of children, but where necessary will also include the needs of other family members and apply the same criteria to institutions such as schools, colleges, and orphanages. We seek to deliver speedy, agile, and targeted support with our network of expert partners, on the ground and remotely. Leveraging our expert resources to build both emergency and sustainable solutions together with Aid Providers, Corporate Partners, and Government Institutions. Providing respite relief for children and families.
Offering Hope to Live
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliance
The Charity General Data Protection Regulation Privacy Policy Statement is available either by the following link http://www.ccll.org.uk/download.php%3Fdoc+640 or by requesting in writing from
CCLL Head Office at: 6 Hartley Business Park, Selborne Road, Alton. Hampshire GU34 3HD
Chernobyl Children's Lifeline,
England/Wales Registered Charity 1014274; Scotland Registered Charity SC040136
- 4 Creebridge
- Newton Stewart
- DG8 6NP
01671 403596
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