CCLL Cairnsmore

The Helping Hand for Ukraine

Changing Times

The charity after due consideration, deliberation and professional review has decided to rebrand. It remains registered as Chernobyl Children's Lifeline but will be known as CCLL The Helping Hand for Ukraine.

Due to the ongoing war in Ukraine with Russia:-
a) the charity is denied and restricted in the work it can do in Belarus (ally of Russia) although it will do whatever it can with projects already in progress in Belarus.
b) children cannot visit the UK from Ukraine or Belarus for recuperative respite health holidays.
c) there is a desperate need to support those disadvantaged in war torn Ukraine.

The Helping Hand for Ukraine  The Helping Hand for Ukraine  The Helping Hand for Ukraine

The logos are specifically designed to help the charity's work in northern Ukraine. Our branch is using the 'postage stamp' design.

A statement has been issued regarding how the funds will be used...

Safehouse shelter for parents with children who have special needs
Set up and equip bomb shelters for schools and kindergartens
Support the local social services providing provisions and care
Support refugees moving from war torn territories to safe areas
Provision of vehicles to rural communities
Provision of IT equipment for schooling needs in bomb shelters or at home
Water filters and water pumps
Reflective clothing, arm bands helmets and vests.
Generators to local fire stations who support hospitals and local infrastructure
Working in partnership with local charities to help evacuate disabled people who need treatment in the EU
Provision of live-stock such as chickens, ducks, calves, pigs and goats
Provision of vegetable seeds

As much as possible the support is sustainable.



                        Thank You for your consideration

 The people of Ukraine need our help.

The Helping Hand for Ukraine

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliance

The Charity General Data Protection Regulation Privacy Policy Statement is available either by the following link or by requesting in writing from 
CCLL Head Office at: 6 Hartley Business Park, Selborne Road, Alton. Hampshire GU34 3HD

Chernobyl Children's Lifeline 
England/Wales Registered Charity 1014274; Scotland Registered Charity SC040136

  • 4 Creebridge
  • Newton Stewart
  • DG8 6NP

01671 403596
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